Friday, May 25, 2018

Note from the Editor regarding Taxi Stands

This is a reply from the City about our taxi stands

Roy Ambury,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the taxi stand zones on the block of Princess Street between Barrie and Division Streets.

The reconstruction of the block of Princess Street between Barrie St. and Division St. has resulted in some changes to the layout of the existing on-street parking areas.  These changes are necessary to accommodate bulb-outs for transit stops, planters, benches, bicycle parking, and patios. For example, the section of curb space on the south side of Princess Street in front of Stages that was previously regulated as a no parking zone, except for taxis between 10 pm and 3 am, has been redesigned as a widened sidewalk/boulevard.

City staff are assessing what options may exist to re-locate this displaced taxi stand zone within the same block. We will be contacting the taxi industry shortly to obtain feedback on any proposed changes.

Thank you.

Greg McLean
Policy and Program Coordinator
Parking Services
Transportation and Infrastructure Services
City of Kingston
216 Ontario St., Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
(613) 546-4291 extension 1336